Week is completely free. No ads in the app and no permissions (except network)
Having trouble finding out which week number you are in?
This app gives you the week in only one tap. It is easy to use and has NO ads! It is built for people working in places where the week number is a important tool that gets used more then once or twice a week.
Current features:
✰ Shows the week number
✰ Shows a new background colour for every week
✰ Simple and quick to use
✰ Animations!
✰ Offline support
✰ Holiday themes
Coming features (In order):
✮ Widgets!
✮ Get notified what week it is at the start of the week!
✮ Calendar! Choose a date and see what week it is!
✮ Day counter (Shows what day of the year)
Please give feedback on the app and tell me what you think or give any ideas on updates or improvements that you would like to see in the app